What is Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization?
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, or IASTM, is a popular technique to treat soft-tissue injuries and related conditions with a soft-tissue component using specialized tools. Sometimes referred to by the brand name of tool or technique, such as ASTYM or Graston, or simply as “scraping,” this type of soft-tissue treatment using tools has actually been around for hundreds of years, first demonstrated in Chinese medicine using small smooth animal bones or smooth stones. It has recently been made popular in Chiropractic and Sports Therapy clinics using more technologically advanced tools made out of stainless steel or plastic. Furthermore, the research available validating the efficacy of this treatment has exploded, showing cellular changes in the stimulated soft-tissue of the healing effects.
How Does IASTM Work?
Simply put, tools are used to find, break down, and restructure disorganized soft-tissue. Adhesions and scar tissue caused by trauma, over-use, or misuse of our muscles and joints can drastically change the biomechanics of our bodies. These tools are used to stimulate the affected muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia creating a controlled microtrauma within the tissue. This creates a cascade of healing effects on the cellular level which increases vascularization, fibroblast proliferation, and collagen synthesis, while reducing unnecessary scar tissue. The collective use of IASTM to heal tissues and exercises to build strength is extremely effective at decreasing pain and restoring function.
Common IASTM Treatment
IASTM is commonly used for soft-tissue injuries involving muscles, tendons, and ligaments such as strains and sprains. This can be from a single traumatic event such as a sprained ankle or pulled muscle, or it can also be from intense training, which leads to overuse such as tendinitis or tendinosis. Runners, triathletes, and crossfit athletes are some of the most common individuals benefiting from IASTM treatment. Intense training, no matter your ability, can gradually cause the build-up of adhesions and scar tissue. If left untreated, this can become problematic. Consistent IASTM therapy and other myofascial therapies can help keep athletes and individuals alike training and performing to the best of their ability.